Mayor Baldwin spend $623,754 to get a job that pays $25,792. Huh?

Who would do that? According to the News and Observer, in a July 20, 2022 article,  she raised $623,754.  By July of 2022, she had spent $131,000.  Why?

This is why people hate politicians.  And a bunch of that came out of other people’s pockets.

Former Raleigh Mayors Nancy McFarlane and 29 other people all gave her the maximum donation of $5,600.  I’ve helped out friends who were trying to get a job in the past.  I’ve loaned them ties, spent hours going over their resume with them, and even did practice interviews with them.  But lend (no GIVE them) $5,600? No, chance.  Not if the job was going to pay $27,000.

What’s up with that?  and Smedes York, developers John Kane, Michael Fallon, Carlton Midyette III, Tomas Gipson, Gabriel Guillois and O. Temple Sloan Jr. and Capitol Broadcasting Company CEO Jim Goodmon.

If she raised that money and announced she was going to donate that $623,754 to some high school so they could hire a really good math teacher and pay his/her salary for the next 10 years, maybe we wouldn’t be talking about this obvious suspicious behavior.

Your turn, Ms. Baldwin.  Come clean.  The forum is yours…The answer shouldn’t take you more than a few lines and it should be devoid of all the usual puffery and political double-speak…

Go for it, Mary Ann Baldwin.